
Empower amplify build

We foster a supportive space where aapi women can empower each other

"As a larger Asian American woman and married, I didn't see myself as a beauty pageant contestant. But Miss Chinese Chicago, now Miss Asian Chicago, is not a beauty pageant. It's an empowering experience that strengthens you in public speaking, poise, knowledge of Asian American issues, connection with Chicago Asian American community, and sisterhood."

"Pageantry taught me that sisterhood is about respecting each other, thinking about one another, and celebrating our wins together. Throughout this pageant journey, I’ve experienced many kindness from my pageant sisters. During this whole experience, the support was real."

"Before Miss Chinese Chicago (now Miss Asian Chicago) I’d never considered myself “pageant material.” In my head, “pageant girls” always wore lots of makeup and had to give their looks painstaking attention - something I have very little interest in. But with Miss Asian Chicago, I can come exactly as I am. Victoria and everyone else in the process - including my amazing pageant sisters - created a supportive space for me to be my messy self while I learned more about my values and polished my presentation skills. If you’re not interested in making more friends in the Asian community, if you’re not willing to go outside your comfort zone and learn, Miss Asian Chicago is not for you. But if you’re ready to grow and learn more about yourself, submitting that application is going to be a turning point in your life. That’s what this experience has been for me."

"I remember the day before the Miss Chinese Chicago pageant, and I was feeling insecure about being intimidating to the judges since I have such a strong work history for Chinatown. However, a pageant sister, Natalie Chin, came up and talked to me about reframing and reclaiming ownership of the word intimidating as a powerful woman. There were many instances of support these ladies provided throughout the pageant. I went on a double date, had nights out dancing, cried over the phone, sought and received affirmation and advice, and my emotional and physical safety was always prioritized. These instances were not only inspiring but absolutely healing for me. I hold these lessons and affection dear to my heart as I am now the 2022 Queen of Miss Chinese Chicago and will proceed in fulfilling my platform of racial healing in the greater Chinatown area."

"MCC has taught me the importance of friendship, giving back, and supporting each other. Thank you to everyone for believing in me and supporting me here today! After MCC, I will continue my work of empowering and educating the next generation of future leaders."